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I.C.M.E. has the goal of educating, supporting, and documenting excellence in music teachers everywhere.​

Teachers who wish to have their students participate in ICME adjudications must understand that teaching an instrument is more than just playing a song. If the teacher is not familiar with using theory and technique studies as a part of their weekly curriculum, the student will not do well in the ICME process without specific preparation.


If the teacher is a thorough, competant teacher, I.C.M.E. adjudications are the best way to document that fact, and we do not believe you should have to pay to document this fact. We have chosen levels based on a thorough assessment of what we believe each student should learn over a fifteen to twenty year course of study on an instrument.  We have surveyed many piano methodologies, and are convinced that most of them, if followed completely as directed, will result in a student who is well prepared for collegiate music studies, and/or a lifetime of musical enjoyment. Our primary goal is to encourage every teacher to be a thorough, educated, and excellent mentor that meets the needs of every single student.


Core musicianship skills have been divided into graded levels according to how they are presented in the recommended methods of study we have analyzed. used. We have determined that these methods represent the finest courses of study available today, and have demonstrated they produce a balanced, well rounded musician.

We want to encourage...

How do I get certified to have my students participate in I.C.M.E. adjudications?

Teachers may hold a temporary I.C.M.E. certification for the period of One Year from the time of application. During the first year, the teacher must have his/her students participate in evaluations in the Spring and/or in the Fall. The judges who listen to the students will determine whether the students are being taught correctly in the following areas:  theory, instrumental technique, practical application, sight reading, and ear training. The teacher will be given a score card at each adjudication, by the judge, and when the teacher has received an excellence in teaching award, in addition to passing the test explained below, they will be given a permanent membership in I.C.M.E.


Level of education required:

Basic Membership:  I.C.M.E. does not require that member teachers hold a particular degree in music, but does require that they successfully prepare at least five students for adjudication the first year, and every year thereafter. Students must be thoroughly prepared in theory, instrumental technique, scales/chords for pieces programmed, and any other skills required for the level of certification requested.


At the end of the one year trial period, student progress will be reviewed, and a test of competence will be given. If the teacher passes the test with a grade of 85% or higher, they will be given a Basic Membership in I.C.M.E. This membership will be valid for five years from the test date, and grants the teacher the honor and priveledge of scheduling semi-annual adjudications with I.C.M.E. judges of the highest caliber. Teachers may also display the I.C.M.E. credential on their website, business cards, brochures, and other marketing documentation.


Certified I.C.M.E. Teacher: 

I.C.M.E. has five levels of certification for music teachers. Each level has specific requirements, and is documented with a Certificate and/or Plaque to be displayed at the place of teaching. Requirements for the Five I.C.M.E. Teacher Certification Levels are as follows:


Level One:

Must have had at least ten students earn a certificate or higher in I.C.M.E. adjudications, at two consecutive events.

Must show proof of completion of nine units of music theory, music history, and/or music appreciation, at the college level.*

Must present three letters of recomendation from current or previous students.

Must present two letters of recomendation from other music instructors.


Level Two:

Must have all of Level One requirements, plus:

Must have had at least twenty** students earn a certificate or higher in I.C.M.E. adjudications, at three consecutive events.

Must complete at least 3 units (8 hours) of continuing education, per year. Eligible coursework includes:  personal instrumental instruction, early childhood education, learning disabilities, learning psychology, music history, music appreciation, music apps and technology, The T.A.P. Method for Absolute Perfect Pitch, and composition.


Level Three:

Must have all of Level Two requirements, plus:

Must have had at least thirty** students earn a cerficate, and three students earn a medal in I.C.M.E. adjudications, at four consecutive events.


Level Four:

Must have all of Level Three requirements, plus:

Must have at least forty** students earn a certificate, and five students earn a medal in I.C.M.E. adjudications, at five consecutive events.


Level Five: (Documented by a Plaque to be displayed at teaching locations)

Must have all of Level Four requirements, plus:

Must have at least fifty** students earn a certificate, ten students earn medals, and one student earn a plaque, over six consecutive events.


*Teachers with a degree in music, or who have already taken these courses may provide transcripts/proof of completion.

** The students from each level will be counted towards the total number of students required for subsequent levels.







At this point in time, we have based our ICME program levels on the basic levels outlined in many of the most effective teaching methods available for each age and level of progress.


Ages 6-12:  We have based the record booklet on the skills in the order presented in the "Piano Adventures" Series by Nancy and Randall Faber. Other recommended methods are "Succeeding at the Piano" by Dr. Helen Marlais, and "The Perfect Start Piano Method" by Dr. Kevin Olson.


Ages 2-7: We have created a special record book that has more forms in it, so that students are documented through the very young years where they are learning critical knowledge that will be forever set in their brain's plasticity.  We have utilized the “My First Piano Adventures” by Nancy and Randall Faber, Levels A, B, & C. The record book is also compatible with Alfred, Bastien, and other young beginner piano methodology. We also recommend the "T.A.P. Song Book One" which has specific curriculum that is easy and highly valuable for very young children. "The teVelde Absolute Pitch Method (T.A.P.)" by Bonnie teVelde is also a fun, valuable, and engaging piano method with entertaining curriculum for the youngest music students.


For the critical development of Absolute Perfect Pitch in all music students, we recommend "The teVelde Absolute Pitch Method (T.A.P.)" by Bonnie teVelde for all of our teachers and students. All of our record books leave space for judge's to test and record the student's progress in learning absolute pitch, a valuable skill that adds to overall excellence in musicianship for life. Students may also earn an I.C.M.E. Perfect Pitch certificate.


Ages 10-Adult: We have utilized the “Accelerated Piano Adventures” Level 1 & 2, then 3A, 3B, 4 & 5 of the Basic Piano Adventures Curriculum for students who are older and/or progressing faster in the first record book. In the second book, we have continued the levels from grade Six through Ten. Our basis for grading levels Six through Ten is Keith Snell's graded Piano Repertoire.


After level 5, we reccomend continuing Piano study with the Snell method, beginning at Level four, and progresssing through Level 10. Certificates may continue to be earned as long as each four-song program has one song from each time period. In addition, student must perform related scales, chords, and arpeggios for programmed pieces. 


Please contact us for more detailed information regarding all levels.

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